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"A devastating meteor strikes the planet, gifting its dinosaur masters with random magical powers, and gifting apes with an accelerated path to sentience. The hero is born with the rare ability to control and ride giant beasts, and learns to survive and build a group of talented friends. After saving their birth village, the party explores new territory and reach an unknown city. There they see that reptilian beasts have been domesticated in great numbers, providing industry, food, and mounts for war. They learn that a villain wages war
against the city and in their absence has also enslaved their family and village. Their quest becomes the noble pursuit of rescuing them. However, the city is besieged by the villains great army, the domesticated beasts become possessed and turn on their masters, leading to defeat of the city. Finally the party must build a rebellion in the wilderness, return to face the villain using only their wits and unique power, and banish him and his otherworldly forces forever."

Copyrights @ 2024. Kyoti Games.